"Learn a new language and get a new soul."
~Czech Proverb

Thursday, April 28, 2011



1)What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘religion’?
2)What does religion mean to you?
3)Is religion always a good thing?
4)With all the religions in the world, how do we know which one is best or true?
5)Do people choose their religion or do people’s parents choose it?
6)If religion is all about love and peace, why are many of the world’s conflicts and wars caused by religion?
7)If religion teaches us that all men and women are equal and we must love everyone the same, why is there so much racism?
8)Do you like talking about religion?
9)What do you think of the argument that religion is really modern-day superstition?
10)What would the world be like without religion?

  1. What is adoption?  
  2. What are some of the reasons people choose to adopt? 
  3. What is the difference between domestic and international adoption? 
  4. What are the views of adoption in your country?  
  5. Should you tell the child that he or she was adopted? If so at what age? Or when?
  6. Should adopted children have the right to know their biological parents? 
  7. What are some reasons why couple don't choose to adopt?
  8. Do you think it is preferable to adopt or to use artificial reproduction technology? 
  9. What do you think adopted children feel when they will someday know that they are not really a biological child of their parents?
  10. Do you know some stories about adoption? If so, talk about it.
  1. Do you think alcohol is a drug? 
  2. What is alcoholism? 
  3. Do you think alcohol is a drug? 
  4. What is alcoholism? 
  5. What are some of the characteristics of drunk people? 
  6. Is alcohol addictive? 
  7. What about tea, coffee, and chocolate?
  8. Do you think marijuana should be legal or illegal? Support your opinion with facts.
  9. Is marijuana grown in your country? 
  10. Why do you think that tobacco is a legal drug? 
  11. Should there be punishments for using drugs? 
  12. Should drug dealers get the death penalty? 
  13. Why do some people get addicted when others do not?
  14. What happens in the brain of a person that causes addiction?
  15. Do you think it is easy to buy illegal drugs where you live?
  16. Cancer patients find that marijuana stops their pain. 
  17. Should it be legal for them? 
  18. At what age should it be legal to drink and smoke?
  19. Why do you think people start using drugs? 
  20. What kind of drugs are the most popular in your country?
  21. How can drugs help a person?
  22. Do you agree that"once an addict,always an addict"? 

1.How often do you pray?

2.What’s your favorite prayer?

3.Where is the best place to pray?

4.Can you take lessons on how to pray better?

5.What do you think all people should pray for?

6.How can you prove to someone who doesn’t believe in prayer that it works?

7.Do you think people who pray have better lives?

8.What do you think of prayer groups?

9.If you could have one prayer answered, what would it be?

10.Do you think the prayers you make up are better than the prayers found in holy books?

11.What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘prayer’?

12.What do you pray for?

13.Are your prayers always answered?

14.Do you feel different after you pray?

15.Is it possible to pray for something bad?

16.Is it selfish to pray for something for yourself?

17.Do you think prayer time should be a part of school life?
18.Do you think something has gone wrong if a prayer is unanswered?

19.Do you believe in the healing power of prayer?
20.Is it important to say a prayer before and after meals?


1.What is the Bible?
2.Who is it for?
3.Why is it important?
4.What can we learn from the Bible?
5.How is the Bible different from the holy books of other religions?
6.Do you think the Bible is interesting?
7.Have you read all of the Bible?
8.What is your favorite part of the Bible?
9.Do you think everything in the Bible is true?
10.How often do you read the Bible?
11.What do you know of the history of the Bible – how all of the books were collected and put together?
12.What is the main message of the Bible?
13.Who is the most important person in the Bible?
14.Do you think the Bible is more interesting than a good novel?
15.Is there a hidden code in the Bible?
16.What is the difference between the old and new testaments and which one is more important?
17.If the Bible is full of Jews, why do Christians and not Jews follow it?
18.Was the world created the way it is described in the Bible?
19.If the Bible has all of the answers, why doesn’t everyone read it?

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